“Psychotherapy is about being helped to see that the change you seek is already within you. It is coming to recognize and appreciate the spark of something eternal that is your core. J.F.T. Bugental.”
My work with Individuals
I help people understand themselves and improve their connection with others. In a quiet peaceful setting we explore your unfolding sense of self, sometimes using metaphors and symbology that have meaning to you. Awareness of self can surface in profound ways through non-verbal tools such as art therapy or somatic sensations. Story telling through art therapy, symbology, dreams and metaphor is the avenue to the imagination and unconscious. When you become aware of the causes and unhealthy ways you respond to life's challenges, you can choose a new way of interacting that is more productive, loving and fulfilling, leading to a life of meaning and vitality filled with joy and laughter.
““Metaphor is a way of thought long before it is a way with words” (www.ODEMAGAZINE.COM, Spring 2011). ”
My practice also focuses on helping highly sensitive individuals (HSPs) understand their trait of sensory processing sensitivity(SPS). This trait, originally described by Elaine Aaron, occurs in 20% of the human population and has also been found in over 100 other species. It is evenly distributed between men and women and although the trait is mislabeled as introversion 30% of HSPs are in fact extroverts. https://hsperson.com/
I am also a somatic experiencing practitioner (SEP). This approach developed by Peter Levine helps clients struggling with a history of emotional or physical trauma recapture their vitality and begin to live fuller lives. https://traumahealing.org/about-us/#about
my work with couples
I help hurting couples find a better way to communicate with each other. John Gottman refers to successful couples as "Master Couples" and he has spent 40 years of his professional career studying what makes a master couple. Using techniques and tools developed through John and Julie Gottman's research I work with couples to help them improve their communication style and enable them to be heard and understood. My work is dyadic in that I encourage couples to talk to one another in session rather than through me. Your interaction is maintained in a safe compassionate space, and techniques are provided in the moment to help reduce feeling overwhelmed or flooded so that you have the ability to learn to self soothe. Based on the Gottman's work of in the moment learning I do not attempt to curtail heightened emotions in session unless they become abusive or dangerous, but rather I enable couples to experience a new way of responding to difficult emotions in the moment.
My work with Children and Teenagers
I help children and teens see their courage. I enjoy working with teenagers and children who are dealing with BIG and often scary emotions, particularly around parental divorce or separation, transitioning to adulthood or struggling with low self confidence. The use of play therapy, sand tray therapy or art therapy in addition to talk therapy for older children, are wonderful avenues to allow bottled up feelings to surface and be managed. In working with children I find it important to engage the parents in the child's therapy as appropriate, to ensure that the healing which starts in the therapy session continues in the home.
Call me for a complimentary 15 minute consultation 805 387 3569
or EMAIL me at helen@helenchadd.com